Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Forge CPD Cloud


CPD for the whole school community
Welcome to Forge CPD, non-profit making organisation. Our vision is to bring together the fractured educational world and strengthen partnerships locally and nationally by providing a central repository of knowledge and content which every partner contributes to, and benefits from. We aim to provide a core offer of high quality, evidence informed, professional development for all members of the school community at every stage of their career. This is just the beginning; content will grow as more partners come on board and new materials are created.
We look forward to working with you in the future to develop your staff to deliver the best possible offer for your pupils.​​ For more information about how to become a member to access all our content, contact us.
Working in Partnership

Our new online training package enables schools to not only meet their compliance responsibilities, but also achieve those set out within best practice guidance. It provides the everyday skills, knowledge and confidence staff need to protect the safety and welfare of children in your care.
Our package includes subject specific training suitable for ALL members of the school community, best practice training to build a strong safeguarding culture in your school as well as Designated Safeguarding Lead training. This comprehensive suite of training is designed to support Designated Safeguarding Leads and senior leaders to keep safeguarding training refreshed within your setting.
For further information or to discuss your bespoke access requirements contact us: Email : info@forgecpd.com