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Careers Education

The Careers & Enterprise Company

The Careers and Enterprise Company work with schools and employers providing free support, guidance, training and networking for leaders, governors, careers leaders. Follow this link to:
•    access support and training to make sure children in your school get the best possible preparation for life after

•    ensure you meet the Gatsby Benchmarks;
•    ensure you meet the latest statutory requirements for Careers Education.

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A menu of careers education ideas for schools

Schools must meet the Gatsby Benchmarks by the end of 2020. Rosie Beach and Glenys Hart offer a menu of strategies and activities to help you fulfil your statutory careers advice duties.

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Quality in Careers 

The Quality in Careers Standard is the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in secondary schools, colleges and work-based learning.

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Careers guidance and access for education and training providers

Statutory guidance for schools and guidance for further education college and sixth form colleges

January 2023 

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19th May 2020

Creating Tomorrow's Workforce: Working Options in Education

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Creating tomorrow's workforce in collaboration with Working Options, with guest speakers, Sir Clive Woodward, Ken Edwards, Nigel Morris, Julie Sneddon and Tim Armoo.

Essential Careers Education documentation

Kingsway Primary School - Case Study

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Career Development
Framework Handbook for
primary schools

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Career Development
Framework - Supporting learners to improve
their career development skills

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Good Career Guidance Handbook

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Pupil/Student ‘I can’ statements examples
KS3/KS4/Post 16

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Framework for careers, employability
and enterprise education

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Career Development
Framework Handbook
KS3/KS4/Post 16

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For all enquiries please ring : 01709 763907 or email

Ellis House, Brampton Road, Wath Upon Dearne, Rotherham, S63 6BB

©2024 Forge CPD

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