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Designated Safeguarding Lead Training

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Our Designated Safeguarding Lead training has been designed from a very practical point of view of someone who is still working in the field and is enriched by Deborah’s years of experience working with children and their families.   

The training is delivered through an interactive presentation with an accompanying audio commentary and additional supporting materials including an Ofsted preparation self assessment tool to help make sure that your safeguarding culture is inspection ready.  As you work through the units, you will learn more about professional dangerousness, respectful challenge and the expectations of Ofsted.   

Each session lasts between 45 and 60 minutes and should be completed one session at a time before moving onto the next one.   

Overall aims 

  1. To understand the role and responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead in an education setting and to build on current knowledge and experience 

  2. To understand the legislative and good practice requirements for safeguarding children and review what arrangements should be in place to keep children safe 

  3. To understand what to do if a safeguarding concern is raised and how to support staff to recognise signs of abuse and neglect or where a child is at risk of harm 

  4. To have the opportunity to reflect on current practice and make changes to better safeguard children 

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Unit 1.1

  • The definition of safeguarding and what the term safeguarding means in an education setting​

  • Legislation and statutory guidance​

  • The management and requirements of safeguarding in relation to the role of a DSL​

  • The role and responsibilities of a DSL and Deputy/Deputies

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Designated Safeguarding Lead - Unit 1.2

  • What multi-agency working means in an​​ education setting​​

  • The functions of the Local Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP)​​

  • Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews and key themes​​

  • Recognising and responding to different types of child abuse​​

  • The barriers for staff and children in reporting child abuse​

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Designated Safeguarding Lead - Unit 1.3

  • The referral and child assessment process​​

  • Child protection planning​​

  • The role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead in referral and assessment​​

  • Escalation and challenge

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Designated Safeguarding Lead - Unit 1.4

  • The Ofsted Education Inspection Framework requirement ​

  • The signs of successful safeguarding arrangements​

  • What Ofsted are looking for under ‘Inspecting Safeguarding in Early Years, Education and Skills’ guidance​

  • Safeguarding supervision and wellbeing

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For all enquiries please ring : 01709 763907 or email

Ellis House, Brampton Road, Wath Upon Dearne, Rotherham, S63 6BB

©2024 Forge CPD

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