Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Forge CPD Cloud


Early years education recovery programme: supporting the sector

The government is providing a package of up to £180 million for workforce training, qualifications and support and guidance for the early years sector to help address the impact of the pandemic on the youngest and most disadvantaged children.
Regular Updates
Early Years Qualification check Service

Find out if a person’s qualifications allow them to work in an early years setting, and if you can include them in staff:child ratios.
Regular Updates
Strong foundations in the first years of school​
This report examines how schools secure the foundational knowledge and skills that every child needs by the end of key stage 1 to give them the best chance of educational success. Schools are facing significant challenges in dealing with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children currently in Reception and key stage 1.
08 October 2024
Best start in life: a research review for early years
Best start in life: a research review for early years
(Part 1)​

This series of research reviews is focused on the pre-school age range, from birth to 4 years. Its purpose is to support early years practitioners to raise the quality of early years education.
Best start in life part 1: setting the scene
September 2023
Best start in life: a research review for early years
(Part 2)​

This report is part of our series of subject-based curriculum research reviews. Its purpose is to support early years practitioners in raising the quality of early years education.​
Best start in life part 2: the 3 prime areas of learning
September 2023

Progress check at age two
Guidance to provide support for early years practitioners when completing the early years foundation stage (EYFS) progress check at age 2.
How can we get the EYFS progress check at age two right, and help children to bounce back from the COVID-19 pandemic?
Department for Education early years vodcast: Progress check at age two
This vodcast explains the new guidance on the EYFS progress check at age two to early years practitioners.
May 2022

Spread the Happiness - Shonette Bason
Shonette Bason is a dynamic and inspirational educator, speaker, and author celebrated for her innovative teaching methods. Specialising in early childhood education, she is renowned for designing activities that foster fine motor skills, creativity, and emotional well-being in young learners. Click "Read More" to explore three engaging videos produced by Shonette for ForgeCPD, introducing Dough Disco, Squiggle While You Wiggle, and Movement. These activities aim to develop fine and gross motor skills while addressing the increasing prevalence of global and developmental delays in schools.

Early Years in Mind Network A free online network for early years practitioners

The DfE has published exemplification materials to provide support for schools when completing the Early Years
Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) assessment for children at the end of reception year. These are a collection of case study videos that demonstrate teachers and leaders having professional discussions about individual children’s development and their EYFSP judgements. A vodcast for schools, multi-academy trusts and local authorities has also been published alongside the videos to explain the changes and what is different this year.
EYFS Exemplification materials update March 2022
Early Years Foundation Stage: Exemplification materials - Case Study 1
Early Years Foundation Stage: Exemplification materials - Case Study 4
Early Years Foundation Stage:
Exemplification materials - Case Study 7
Early Years Foundation Stage: Exemplification materials - Case Study 2
Early Years Foundation Stage: Exemplification materials - Case Study 5
Early Years Foundation Stage: Exemplification materials - Case Study 3
Early Years Foundation Stage:
Exemplification materials - Case Study 6
Linked Research
Education Endowment Foundation

Help for early years providers
Guidance for people who work in early years, from the Department for Education.