Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Forge CPD Cloud



Creative Toolbox
The idea for a Creative Toolbox came from an effective collaboration between Imagine Rotherham and Create Sheffield. We could see the need to prioritise creativity and culture in formal education, and doing this in partnership would enable both Local Cultural Educational Partnerships (LCEPs) to develop their offer to become more sustainable.
If you want to find out more, support or get involved with Imagine Rotherham LCEP please get in touch at neath.imaginerotherham@gmail.com
Imagine Rotherham is the Local, Cultural and Education Partnership.
At Imagine Rotherham we want to embed arts and creativity into formal education in Rotherham, to excite, inspire and delight all children and young people. We want to develop an inclusive, high quality and creative workforce that can confidently embed creative approaches to teaching and learning into everyday practice to enrich lives and enhance learning. We offer the following;
● Professional development and mentoring for both educationalists and creative
practitioners, to develop inspiring creative experiences and opportunities for children and
young people in Rotherham.
● Arts Award support in formal education, assisting more schools and creative practitioners to
formally connect with the programmes and existing networks.
● Creative teach-meets, where both teachers and creative practitioners can meet, share
practice, resources and approaches.
● A creatives network and an education network that enables practice sharing and support
from peers.
Rotherham Primary Headteachers Meeting
18th May 2023
The Embrace Arts Rotherham artists were out in force at the Primary Headteachers meeting held at Rockingham Professional Development Centre.

Primary Schools are invited to join the Royal Opera House, home of the Royal Ballet, for a Dance Celebration Mad Hatter’s Tea Party!
On 29 June at Gulliver’s Valley in Rother Valley, participating KS1 or KS2 classes will share their own creative dance responses to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
Schools should prepare by taking part in Create & Dance from the ROH National Schools Programme, which is FREE for all state-funded schools.
Plus funding available for all participating schools to support travel to the venue
Create & Dance is an inclusive approach to leading dance and storytelling that helps pupils develop creative collaboration, physical learning, spatial awareness and general health and well-being. Follow 4 simple steps to take part:
• Teachers attend CPD, 3 May, at Rockingham Professional Development Centre
Full day, in person training with ROH professionals. No familiarity with ballet is needed. Suitable for class teachers and PE Leads Book your FREE place here.
• Meet the Artists, Tues 23 May, 10.45am – 11.30am
Introduce KS1&2 children to ballet and creative dance in a fun and accessible way by joining our interactive digital workshop from your classroom. Ask dancers questions and discover their creative process.
• Create & Dance in your classroom Put our flexible 5 lesson scheme of work into practice. Use our detailed lesson plans and high-quality digital resources. Inclusive and accessible for all school settings. Explore resources here
• Share & Celebrate! On 29 June, at Gulliver’s Valley, join ROH artists, to share and celebrate your creativity! Following an ROH warm up, classes will share their short creative dance pieces, with feedback from ROH professionals and the audience.
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