Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Forge CPD Cloud


An introduction to ADHD - Fusion SEND Hub
Olly Dean (Fusion SEND Hub Sheffield) gives a brief introduction to ADHD

Training from the ADHD Foundation
The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity is the largest provider of training in ADHD and neurodevelopmental conditions for professionals in the UK. All our courses are interactive, full of practical strategies and informed by up to date research. We can offer a wide range of expert led courses across a wide range of subject areas. These courses can be tailored to your needs, which offers the opportunity to focus on a specific area/need or a selection of topics.
Click the logo for further information
Further Reading
Declarative Language Handook
Do you know a child that gets upset when their routine changes? They might also struggle to see the big picture, to make friends, to problem solve in real time, and to read nonverbal communication. Meltdowns, tantrums and other challenging behaviors might be common.
This book was written to teach you how making small shifts in your language and speaking style will produce important results. You will stop telling kids what to do and instead thoughtfully give them information to help them make important discoveries in the moment. These moments build resilience, flexibility, and positive relationships over time.
Why Learning Fails (And what to do about it)
t is a truth universally acknowledged that pupils do not learn all that they are taught. They may learn something, they may even learn a lot, but it may not be a lot of what we think we have taught them or they may struggle to apply knowledge successfully. In this book, bestselling author Alex Quigley characterises how the long and winding road of successful learning is paved with many failures along the way.