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Whole School Safeguarding Training

In order for schools to create the most robust safeguarding culture for their children and young people, training should be more than just compliant, the best practice is to ensure that ALL staff are briefed regularly.  We provide a comprehensive, flexible package for DSLs and senior leaders to ensure you have everything you need to keep safeguarding training refreshed throughout the school year.

Our training is provided by Deborah, the strategic lead for a large MAT who understands the day to day safeguarding challenges DSLs and senior leaders face.  All her training is informed by the daily lived experience of children.

Our training not only covers issues such as County Lines and CCE but also develops staff professional skills in our Case Recording and Professional Curiosity units.  There is a short film briefing for each issue suitable for staff briefings or induction for new staff giving you the assurance that everyone receives the same consistent, clear messages.  There are also materials for a longer training session with scenarios and in-built self assessment for staff which results in a completion certificate. 

Designated Safeguarding Lead training

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead training covers all the usual areas of legislation and guidance, the role of the DSL, partnership working and safer recruitment but also includes areas such a professional dangerousness, respectful challenge and the expectations of Ofsted.  The four units cover; The Management of Safeguarding, Recognising and Reporting Child Abuse, Referral and Assessment and Ofsted Requirements

Updated November 2024

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Safer Recruitment

In line with Keeping Children Safe in Education it’s vital that schools create a culture that safeguards and promotes the welfare of children. An integral part of that culture is to ensure robust recruitment procedures are in place that deter and prevent people from securing employment in school who are unsuitable to work with children.

Updated - May 2024

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The Safeguarding Governor Training

KCSIE 2023 paragraph 81 states:
‘Governing bodies and proprietors should ensure that all governors and trustees receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection (including online) training at induction. This training should equip them with the knowledge to provide strategic challenge to test and assure themselves that the safeguarding policies and procedures in place in schools are effective and support the delivery of a robust whole school approach to safeguarding.

Updated - September 2024

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Safeguarding training for Governors

According to KCSIE, all governors should receive general safeguarding training, similar to that delivered to staff but with further information about the governing body’s role in safeguarding within the school setting.

Updated - September 2024

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Professional Curiosity & Respectful Challenge training

Having a professionally curious mind-set allows us to explore and try to understand what is happening for a child or within the family, rather than making assumptions. Respectful challenge is an integral part of our safeguarding work with children and families, and can help us in our support for them. This training explores ‘thinking outside the box’, and considers effective ways of practising professional curiosity and respectful challenge when we suspect there is a risk of harm to a child or young person.

Updated - May 2024

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Safeguarding Case Recording training

The safeguarding record should reflect what is happening for the child at any given time - it is the narrative to the child’s daily lived experience. In this training we will consider how we record effectively and accurately, what information we should record and the data protection implications around the recording system we use.

Updated - May 2024

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Forced Marriage awareness training

A Forced Marriage is one that takes place without the consent of one or both parties, and pressure or abuse is used to force them into the marriage. Forced Marriage is illegal in the UK and can involve different forms of abuse. This training will help you develop or refresh your knowledge of Forced Marriage and how to respond to it.

Updated - September 2024

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Child on Child Abuse awareness training

Child on child abuse is when children abuse other children, and may involve sexual harassment and sexual violence. This abuse can take many forms and can have a long-term impact on children. This training explains what child on child abuse is, how to recognise it and how we can respond to it in school.

Updated - September 2024

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Prevent Duty awareness training

The Prevent Duty is part of our statutory safeguarding duty in school. It’s about identifying and supporting those children and young people who may be vulnerable to radicalisation. This training gives you an understanding of the Prevent duty in school, the signs and behaviours that may indicate a child is vulnerable to, or experiencing, radicalisation and how we respond to any concerns.

Updated - May 2024

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County Lines and CCE awareness training

County Lines is a form of criminal exploitation whose victims are often children under the age of 18. These children are befriended, then manipulated and exploited into drug dealing, often in areas away from where they live. This training will help you to recognise, report and respond to concerns which involve county lines and the criminal exploitation of children.

Updated - May 2024

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Female Genital Mutilation awareness training

Female genital mutilation (or ‘cutting’) is an illegal procedure performed on a girl to alter or injure her genitalia for non-medical reasons. Each year, UNICEF estimates that around 4 million girls worldwide are at risk of undergoing female genital mutilation. In this presentation we will explore the practice of FGM, the signs and symptoms of FGM and our mandatory reporting duty.

Updated - May 2024

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Breast Ironing awareness training

Breast ironing or flattening is the practice of using hard or heated objects to reverse the process of breast development by flattening breast tissue. It is illegal in the UK and is child abuse. This training looks at the practice of breast ironing, how to recognise the signs and what action we need to take.

Updated - May 2024

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Coming Soon - Mandatory safeguarding

In line with Keeping Children Safe in Education all staff who work with children and young people in an education setting must undergo induction and safeguarding training when they are first employed. KCSIE further requires that all staff should receive regular safeguarding and child protection updates, including online safety, to continue to provide them with relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively.

Updated - March 2025

Start Training
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For all enquiries please ring : 01709 763907 or email

Ellis House, Brampton Road, Wath Upon Dearne, Rotherham, S63 6BB

©2024 Forge CPD

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